Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Don't think you can do it? I didn't think so either...

Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Remember Mt. St. OMG, that got shoved aside into other areas of the house for the holidays? Today I brought it back as a working area.

And as I was going through the papers in one of those boxes, I tripped over a hard copy of a blog from March 3, 2006. This was in my pre-Spark days. It is clear from what I wrote back then that I did not believe it was possible for me to become a healthy weight according to the charts.

In this blog on another platform, I was describing the wellness assessment done at my "new" gym. "Excess fat (44% body fat, I think was the number she measured, but I didn't get to bring that paper away, maybe it will show up in their computer system)."

My BMI was measured at 35.5! They wanted it to drop to 19 - 25 (the desirable range).

In my own words, back then, "I don't think I will ever get there, but hopefully I can get closer."

Well, folks... that was a loooong time ago. Today my BMI is sitting at 22.9, smack in the middle of that healthy, desirable range. I may have *other* issues that I'm still working on, but I'm proof that we can do things even if we don't believe we can!

So... keep Sparking, my friends. It makes a difference! emoticon emoticon emoticon emoticon

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Don't think you can do it? I didn't think so either...

Wednesday, January 02, 2019 Remember Mt. St. OMG, that got shoved aside into other areas of the house for the holidays? Today I brought it b...